2021 Resolutions Effective Resolutions KL-CY-2021-010 - Authorization to Participate in the U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice National Baseline Study KL-CY-2021-003 - A Resolution Duly Proposed to the Kiowa Legislature for Approval of Contracting of a Law Firm to File and to Prosecute Claims on behalf of the Kiowa Tribe against the Owners of Pipelines that are Crossing Tribal Lands without Approved Leases or other Agreements Authorizing their Use of Tribal Lands KL-CY-2021-002 - A Resolution Duly Proposed to the Kiowa Tribal Legislature for Approval of the Engagement and Contracting of Law Firms to File and to Prosecute Claims against Opiod Manufacturers, Distributors and Others on behalf of the Kiowa Tribe Dead Bills KL-CY-2021-011 - Annual Budget Appropriation for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 KL-CY-2021-009 - 2021 Revised Election Commission Ordinance KL-CY-2021-008 - Kiowa Tribe First Modification Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 KL-CY-2021-007 - Kiowa Tribe Annual Budget Fiscal Year 2021-2022 KL-CY-2021-006 - Approval of Loan Application for Paycheck Protection Program KL-CY-2021-005 - Authorization to Conduct Business with the Office of Special Trustee for American Indians KL-CY-2021-004 - Elimination of the Use of Native Imagery as Mascots in the State of Colorado KL-CY-2021-001 - The Emergency Video Conference Act of 2021